I was in Tesco’s last June buying the Season Review DVD as I do every year. I was handing over me few quid when the bloke behind the counter started shaking his head slowly.
I asked him “Whats wrong?”
He muttered words to the effect that we had blown our chances last season of winning the League and that we would struggle to repeat the feat this year.
“Not at all”, I said.
“We will go on and win the Premiership this year!”
The wise shop assistant slowly shook his head as he took my few quid and I walked away, DVD in hand and new doubts in my mind.
Was it a great opportunity missed last season, or would we go one better this year.
Well, its February 2010 and I guess we all know the answer to that.
Out of The Champion’s League, The Carling Cup, The FA Cup and struggling to finish fourth in The Premier League.
It has been a disastrous season for Liverpool FC.
I am still in support of the manager and I believe/hope we can finish fourth despite intense competition from Villa, Spurs and City who have all spent more money than us in the recent past.
These clubs have all progressed while we have stood still thanks to our pathetic owners.
While they put the club £237 million in debt, other clubs have marched on around us.
The sooner Hicks and Gillette are kicked out the better.
Having a manager like Rafa Benitez to do the best with what we have is our best option.
He is the best man to manage our limited resources and our team.
The guy in Tesco’s was right to shake his head at it all.